The Benefits of Homecare For The Elderly

Sooner or later we all age and need assistance while either recuperating or something more permanent. Perhaps you know of a loved one that needs someone to help them right now. More and more people are choosing to stay at home rather than living in an assisted facility.

So what exactly is elderly home care and what are the benefits? Elderly home-care provides services at your home that assists you in maintaining a quality of life. Also, there are many benefits to having elderly home care that will be discussed below. They include safety, chores, companionship, independence, lower cost and faster recovery. These are by no means all the benefits but only a few.


Having someone in your home gives you a person who will watch out for your benefit and keep you aware of any type of accidents that may occur.

This benefit is much better in your home than in a nursing facility, because there the staff has more than one patient to keep an eye on while a home is usually one person or two to look after. This leaves the caregiver more time to focus more on you.


Need some help getting chores done? Elderly home care service enables you to maintain a clean home. Your caregiver will do light housekeeping such as dusting, picking up clutter, emptying the trash, washing dishes, mopping floors, making your bed.

Your caregiver can also does grocery shopping and even plan your meals.


A caregiver is not just a person who comes to your home and does a few chores. They offer companionship and listen to your needs. Seniors who have this support remain sharper.

There are even studies that show this kind of support helps slow the impacts of dementia or Alzheimers.


We depend on others more as we age, but that doesn’t mean that you want to lose your independence. With elderly home care, you don’t have to.

The caregivers are there to assist you only. Their focus to help you maintain your independence with activities that deal with physical, mental, socializing and emotional. These activities can range anywhere from encouraging seniors to gardening to playing games that improve brain function.

Lower cost than a nursing facility.

According to studies that have been done, the average nursing facility costs at least 4,000 a month. If your loved one has Alzheimer’s, then the cost goes up to as much as 30 percent.

Other factors includes what state you live in, what service you receive, whether your room is private or semi.

Improve your chances of a speedy recovery.

Since we’re all getting older, movement may become a problem, especially if you’re getting over a long illness that requires you to build back muscles in your body.

Studies have proven that the elderly recover faster at home than in a facility. Your caregiver can help you during the time between your recovery along with your physical therapist.